March 28, 2020 | What Does the Bible Say About Coronavirus? Interview with Jim Showers & Steve Herzig

A Biblical Perspective on Pandemics

How are you holding up during this global pandemic? For many of us we are staying inside as much as possible and practicing social distancing when we are in public. You might be scared or feeling lonely and we want you to know, God is there! “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling” (Psalm 46:1-3). 

We welcome our Executive Director Jim Showers and our North American Ministries Director Steve Herzig to the program. Some of you may have been wondering if the Bible has any hint of a global pandemic like COVID-19 or what it might mean. Are we in the End Times? Are these the birth pangs Scripture talks about? Chris, Jim, and Steve answer those questions and leave all of us with something we need today: HOPE! Don’t miss this important episode.

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Is This Pandemic a Sign of the End-Times?

On the minds of many Christians today is how does the COVID-19 pandemic relate to the End-times. Read our Executive Director, Jim Shower’s thoughts on what Scripture has to say.



The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Comments 4

  1. Dear all: I just heard your broadcast A Biblical Perspective on Pandemics. Yours is THE ONLY Christian program that I have heard to date (28 March 2020) that has attempted to address the COVID-19 pandemic topic using the scripture as a guide. I have been sharing the same scriptures with my family & friends. When mankind has offended the God of Heaven, He has used plague/pandemic in judgement to humble and to direct man back to Him. Your program presented the biblical examples very well, and the encouragement that Psalm 91 offers (albeit Messianic). Thank you for being a voice in the vast airwaves with a message centered in the Bible, offering hope and directing man back to the merciful Father. I’m praying that in wrath, God will remember mercy and that He will soon direct the angel to put up his sword, as in the incident at the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite (when King David had offended). Great job today.

  2. This is a very enlightening ! I also have many questions but am reading the word and it really helps to have it read to me , but it is comforting words because I am a servant of god and know he will come for me and my family! But at the same time I have a hard time trying to tell my 21 year old son what the proper way is for him to start a life that may end sooner than later!

  3. I listen to your broadcast each week, or read it on your website. I’m so grateful to you for your teachings. Strait from the word of God do you speak. I also feel God spoke to me, we well get through this, but it is a warning to repent and call on his name. We must ask for forgiveness as only he can give. This is confirmation of his words to me.

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