August 15, 2020 | Israel Still Matters to God, Part 1

Romans 9

Here’s a sad thought: Many churches and Christian leaders teach that Israel, the nation of God’s Chosen People, doesn’t matter to God anymore. Much of the world feels the same way. But how can this be? Maybe these people just need to read Romans 9–11. We’re studying these three chapters in our three-part series “Israel Still Matters to God.” We’ll begin by analyzing Romans 9 on this week’s program, tracking the nature of Israel’s relationship with God, its spiritual condition, and its response to Jesus and His teachings.

There’s a lot to digest in Romans 9, including the stumbling block of the Jewish people, Israel’s role in God’s plan for humanity, the means of salvation, what it means to be “Israel,” and the future of Israel. These factors all add up to one simple yet poignant conclusion—Israel definitely still matters to God! He has not forsaken Israel, and Romans 9 makes that truth very clear. Tune in to understand and defend Israel’s importance in God’s eyes.

2014 Prophecy Conference CD Set

God’s not through with Israel! Paul devoted three chapters, Romans 9–11, to this very fact. We devoted an entire conference to these chapters!

Enjoy listening to these sixteen messages from The Friends of Israel’s Bible teachers explaining God’s plan for Israel from these three chapters.


Apples of Gold: How Can I Believe in God?

As Israel suffered as a nation in the 1970s, many Israelis felt lost. They felt that God had abandoned them and was not worthy to believe in. Zvi was a beacon of hope to the Israeli community, sharing the good news of God’s plan for sustaining His people. His encounter with one man who felt that God was not present, showed the man the true nature of God the Father. Zvi diligently broke down the lies that Jewish people were fed about Jesus as he shared the truth that God reveals about Himself in His Word.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Comments 5

  1. Chris, wanted to reply to let you know there are probably many, like me, who listen regularly and you may never hear from them. I’m am appreciative of your thoughtful teaching and speaking for myself, in complete agreement. I went with FOI on a tour of the Holy Land two years ago and it has made a lasting impression. Thanks and keep up the good work. May the Lord richly bless you and the ministry that puts His Word above all else.

  2. Hi FOI, I love your program.. the content, the music and the reading. I have listened for years and appreciate your ministry. I also enjoy the way you relate the news in Israel today to the Bible. May God bless you as you support Israel.

  3. Christian Theology have deceived the whole world(Satan) Be careful they that are called Jews.(REV 2:9) (Khazars) Ashkenazi Jews in fact.
    There is a way that seems right(Proverbs 14:12)YAH(GOD) people are Israelites

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