August 29, 2020 | Israel Still Matters to God, Part 3

Romans 11

I really messed up. God’s not going to forgive me this time. Can you relate to this feeling? Paul addressed this sentiment in Romans 11, the chapter we’re studying in the conclusion of our 3-part series on why Israel still matters to God. Some were questioning if Israel’s sins had caused God to reject them altogether. The comforting answer: Absolutely not! This week’s program explains that God has not closed the door to the salvation of Israel while revealing the responsibility Gentile Christians specifically have as a result of the gospel. 

Over the past two weeks Chris has covered Romans 9 and 10, explaining how Paul knows the Law has become a stumbling block to the Jewish people, though a remnant remains true to God’s Word. Jumping into chapter 11 this week, we see how Paul hammers home this point that God has not rejected Israel. Just as the Gentiles have received the gospel, the Jewish people will receive that same Good News of grace because Israel still matters to God! Don’t miss this important truth from Romans 11.

If you missed the first two parts of this series, click the links below to listen now.
Part One
Part Two

2014 Prophecy Conference CD Set

God’s not through with Israel! Paul devoted three chapters, Romans 9–11, to this very fact. We devoted an entire conference to these chapters!

Enjoy listening to these sixteen messages from The Friends of Israel’s Bible teachers explaining God’s plan for Israel from these three chapters.


Apples of Gold: The Peacemaker

Seeing a man distraught one evening, Zvi approached him and asked if he was okay. When he heard the man had spent all of his money on gambling, Zvi told him he needed to find peace from the only One who could change his heart. The man had relationships to repair with his family, so Zvi helped the man get home to tell his wife the truth about his gambling. He then took time to share God’s promises for everlasting life with them.

Zvi’s story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s book, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available at our online store.

More stories from Zvi are also available in his book, “The Best of Zvi,” available at our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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