February 6, 2021 | The Backgrounds of the Jewish People, Part 3

Mizrahi Jewish Ancestry

Mizrahi Jews, the third Jewish background we’re studying in our 4-part series, are born with a history that testifies of God’s providence. This unique group, originally considered to be part of the Sephardic community, developed its own identity that is present in many countries today.

Chris shares the story of the time he attended a Yemeni wedding party, as he learned about the bright and exciting customs of Mizrahi culture. But the Mizrahi experience hasn’t always been as joyful as their traditions are now. Over the thousands of years that they’ve been a people, their history has been filled with persecution and trials. Their plight is part of their background of resiliency, and today’s program will make that abundantly clear.

If you missed the previous shows of this series, you can Listen Now in our archives.

Learn more at jimena.org and diarna.org

Jewish Culture and Customs

By Steve Herzig

You may love the Jewish people, but what do you know about their culture? Do you know about their symbolic customs that date back thousands of years and the special meaning they hold? 

Enjoy a front-row seat to the colorful traditions and lifestyles of the Jewish people with Jewish Culture and Customs! Order your copy of Steve Herzig’s personal and entertaining book today!


Apples of Gold: Who is on Our Side?

Jewish people live in constant danger from their mighty enemies who would stop at nothing to destroy them. Zvi’s Arab neighbors spoke with him often and bragged of their strength and their belief that Israel would soon be wiped off the map. But the secret of Israel’s survival through countless evils and wars can only be explained in one way: God. Listen to how Zvi combatted their boastful words with truth from the Bible about whose side God is on.

Zvi’s unique story is available in Elwood McQuaid’s biography, “Zvi: The Miraculous Story of Triumph over the Holocaust,” available in our online store.

A compilation of Zvi’s stories are also available in the book, “The Best of Zvi,” available in our online store.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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