April 17, 2021 | Kings of Israel: King Jehoiachin

King Jehoiachin

To conclude our series on the kings of Israel, we want to introduce you to a king that often doesn’t get talked about but plays a major role in the story of Jesus. Without this king, the line of David would have ended, and God said in 2 Samuel 7 that the King of Israel must come from the line of David.

This King’s name is Jehoiachin. He was the son of Jehoiakim, an evil king who disobeyed God. After his death, his son, Jehoiachin, takes the throne at the age of 18. And from what we know from 2 Chronicles 36, Jehoiachin continued to sin the way his father did.

And that’s where the story gets really interesting! Learn more about Jehoiachin and how his life is a testimony to God’s faithfulness, even to the unjust. We’re sure you’ll be left with thankfulness that we serve a God who is faithful to His Word!

Did you miss the previous shows in this series?  You can always listen by visiting our Archives page!

The Common Thread DVD Bible Study

Way back in the beginning of the Old Testament God made a promise that changed the trajectory of one man’s life. In our new bible study DVD, The Common Thread, you’ll begin to see how that very same promise impacts you! 

Travel through the Holy Land with this DVD as our host Chris Katulka traces God’s faithfulness from Abraham to you!


Apples of Gold: This Book is for Everyone

A man’s children can play a big part in his ministry. Zvi’s children helped him be an effective witness by their loving attitude toward others. They grew up playing with their Arab neighbors, and when Zvi saw these neighbors 35 years later, he found that prejudice had overtaken them. They assumed that his children hated them, but Zvi explained that he taught his children to love. This opened the door for a discussion about the Book that they lived their lives by.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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