May 22, 2021 | Interview: Joel Rosenberg, Part 1

Interview: Joel Rosenberg

Israel is all over the news, and you’re probably hearing many different things about what’s going on in the Jewish nation. When so much of the news is biased or conflicting, it’s hard to know what to trust. But we’ve got a clear answer for you!

The Friends of Israel was blessed to speak with Joel Rosenberg, New York Times best-selling author and CEO and founder of the Joshua Fund. His knowledge is straight from the source—he’s an American Jew who made Aliyah to Jerusalem, where he now lives with his family.

You’ll hear highlights from our interview with Joel, including Israel’s current, complicated political scene, the nation’s feelings toward the Biden administration, and what Joel thinks might be in store for the future of Israel and the United States’ relationship. Be sure to come back next week for the second half of Joel’s update to get a clear picture of what’s going on in the Middle East right now!

To view Steve Herzig’s entire conversation with Joel, Click Here.

To learn more about Joel and the Joshua Fund, visit

Jerusalem in Prophecy Online Conference

July 18-20, 2021

Discover the fate of Jerusalem in our special 3-day, 12-session online conference! You’ll learn through Scripture what has made this city the subject of world powers’ attention throughout history, what is still to come, and how God is guiding its destiny.


Apples of Gold: Food for Thought

While working near the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Zvi came into contact with several students. The students, due to their studies at such a fine school, often tried to sound intelligent and boast about the great and famous names that they knew of. However, Zvi explained that men such as Shakespeare, Tolstoi, and Einstein were simply gifted but not great. In all circumstances, Zvi told the students to call on God, the only One who could give them everything they needed in life and the only One who could save their eternal souls.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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