May 29, 2021 | Interview: Joel Rosenberg, Part 2

Interview: Joel Rosenberg

While everyone’s talking about Israel, not many people have a factual perspective on the nation. Since they don’t live in Israel, they don’t understand its politics and culture. But this week’s guest is here to help explain these things!

Continuing from last week’s interview, Joel Rosenberg offers valuable information about Israel, where he made Aliyah with his family after living in America for his entire life prior to moving to Jerusalem. He’ll give you firsthand details about that move this week, along with a focus on the big picture of Israel—specifically, how the movements we’re seeing in Israel today are leading to the fulfillment of the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39. 

As an evangelical Bible scholar living in the Holy Land, Joel is a respected voice in the arenas of biblical prophecy and Israel. You’re sure to learn something new through his insight, so enjoy this week’s interview!

To view Steve Herzig’s entire conversation with Joel, Click Here.

To learn more about Joel and the Joshua Fund, visit

Lastly, if you missed Joel on last week’s show, you can Listen Now.

Jerusalem in Prophecy Online Conference

July 18-20, 2021

Discover the fate of Jerusalem in our special 3-day, 12-session online conference! You’ll learn through Scripture what has made this city the subject of world powers’ attention throughout history, what is still to come, and how God is guiding its destiny.


Apples of Gold: This Book is for Everyone

A man’s children can play a big part in his ministry. Zvi’s children helped him be an effective witness by their loving attitude toward others. They grew up playing with their Arab neighbors, and when Zvi saw these neighbors 35 years later, he found that prejudice had overtaken them. They assumed that his children hated them, but Zvi explained that he taught his children to love. This opened the door for a discussion about the Book that they lived their lives by.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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