April 22, 2023 | The Book of Ezra, Part 2

The Book of Ezra, Part 2

When we start a project, we get frustrated when obstacles pop up to keep us from finishing. Imagine how frustrated the Jewish people must have felt when they faced seemingly immovable obstacles while rebuilding the Temple! This week’s show takes us back to Ezra, part 2 of our 4-part series on the book, to examine the obstacles that stood in Israel’s way and how God helped His people overcome them.

The Jewish people faced a significant threat from those later known as the Samaritans who tried everything they could to stop their construction. The enemies of Israel used bribes, intimidation, and the king’s authority to keep God’s Chosen People from worshiping Him alone. But God had a plan to strengthen His people’s efforts. Find out how the Jewish people got past their obstacles in this week’s in-depth look at the rebuilding of the Temple!

If you missed Part 1 of this series, you can listen here.

Prophecy Up Close Conferences

The tabernacle and temple play a significant role in Biblical history and prophecy as the epicenter of God’s divine dwelling place with His people. During our one-day conference you will gain an understanding of the Temple and what it reveals about God’s intentional design to be present with His creation.


Apples of Gold: Belief in Men Rather Than God

A local school asked Holocaust survivors to come and tell their story. There aren’t many survivors left on the earth, and it’s important for them to tell these stories. Zvi told his story to the students and also how he believed in the Lord Jesus Christ who gave him hope. The students became angry as he talked about Jesus. Zvi was sure they would never ask him back again, but years later a teacher asked him again. Listen as the students and teacher engage him in a discussion of God’s Word.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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