The Holy One of God, Part 2 (Rebroadcast) | July 13, 2024

This program is a rebroadcast from October 29, 2022.

The Holy One of God, Part 2

Jesus is the Holy One of God, and He was called this name by only the apostle Peter and by demons. What does this title reveal about Christ? We conclude our 2-part series on the Holy One of God this week by analyzing Jesus’ epic showdown with a demon-possessed man. The demon knew something about Jesus that the people among Jesus did not—He was the Messiah.

This spiritual battle between God and Satan is brief in the Bible but fundamental in understanding who Jesus is. Chris shares eye-opening insight into this confrontation, particularly how only the demons understood Jesus’ power at this time. Jesus demonstrated His power to release men from demons, just as He releases all who believe in Him for salvation from the power of sin into His protection and freedom today. What a blessed truth for us to live by!

If you missed Part 1, you can catch up here.

The Search/Jewish Culture & Customs

We’re excited to share two books with you: The Search written by Lorna Simcox is her true story that brought her to the undeniable truth about faith, God and life after death; And Jewish Culture and Customs by Steve Herzig introduces the colorful world of Judaism to believers.

Learn more about these books and watch exclusive interviews with Steve and Lorna today!


Apples of Gold: Stronger Than the Power of Satan

Zvi stopped to speak to a man who is known in his town as a drunkard. After listening to his sad life story, Zvi explained how he too had experienced heartache. When the man asked him how he had survived and thrived in life, Zvi invited him to his home where he was able to tell him about his relationship with Jesus the Messiah. Listen to find out what happened when the man considered the possibility of finding true freedom in Jesus rather than drinking.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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