Man looking at the stars. Alone man looking at starry sky. Night sky.

The Abrahamic Promise: The Descendants (Rebroadcast) | December 28, 2024

This program is a rebroadcast from January 21, 2023.

The Descendants Promise

God’s eternal covenant with Abraham included a surprising promise: A great nation would come from Abraham, and he would have innumerable descendants. This aspect was deeply personal to Abraham, who was an old man when the Lord spoke to him. How could he have any children at all? As humans, we look for immediate results—instant gratification. But God’s timing was perfect; and He kept His Word, giving him a son when he was 100 years old! 

The descendants component of the Abrahamic Covenant shows how God fulfilled His promise not only to give Abraham a child but to set in motion His plan to redeem the world through the Messiah, Jesus Christ. And we at The Friends of Israel aim to bless God’s Chosen People however we can throughout the world today. We hope your love for the Jewish people is stirred through this week’s show!

If you missed Part 1, you can catch up here!

Charting the Bible Chronologically


The start of a new year for many of us means reading through the Bible. We’d like to share with you a book that can be a powerful companion to your Bible reading, Charting the Bible Chronologically. This hardbound, full color piece by authors Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice gives you a panoramic view of the events recorded in Scripture.


Apples of Gold: You Are My Servant Israel

“How do I find people like me, who survived the Holocaust, so I may bring them the Gospel of Christ?” Zvi often prayed this prayer asking for opportunities from God. One day he was asked to visit a fellow Holocaust survivor who desired to share his story. Zvi was able to talk through the heartache they shared but also the hope God had provided. See how Zvi’s faithful prayers to share his faith were answered in a big way.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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Israel My Glory

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