The Abrahamic Promise: The Blessing (Rebroadcast) | January 4, 2025

This program is a rebroadcast from January 28, 2023.

The Blessing

Abraham had a special covenant with God—one that has affected all of human history since. We’ve already studied how this promise has shaped the Jewish people and the promises included in the covenant that guaranteed them countless descendants and the special Holy Land. In this week’s episode on the Abrahamic Covenant, we’ll study how the whole world is blessed through this promise.

God promised not only that Abraham would be blessed and would be a blessing, but also that all families of the earth would be blessed. That means that you and I, thousands of years later, are blessed too. How are we blessed? Through the Word of God, which has come through the Jewish people, and through Jesus, our Savior, who descended from Abraham’s line! Remember to carry this wonderful truth with you each day as you remember God’s wonderful faithfulness to the Jewish people and to you!

If you missed the first two parts of this series, you can catch up here!

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Charting the Bible Chronologically


The start of a new year for many of us means reading through the Bible. We’d like to share with you a book that can be a powerful companion to your Bible reading, Charting the Bible Chronologically. This hardbound, full color piece by authors Ed Hindson and Thomas Ice gives you a panoramic view of the events recorded in Scripture.


Apples of Gold: From Silence and Sorrow to Joyful Singing

Zvi visited his mother-in-law in the hospital. As he looked around, he saw so many faces full of sorrow and hopelessness, people who were just waiting to die. He realized the opportunity he had to reach a hurting group of people in need of the truth of God’s Word. Though the people knew the Old Testament, their hearts were just waiting to be opened to the true glory of God’s Word. Hear how Zvi brought hope to many people who had been seeking it for so long.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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Israel My Glory

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