Have you ever asked to forgive or received forgiveness from someone? Forgiveness is not always easy. We’re diving into a three-part series on a very small but impactful book of the Bible, Philemon. We’ll learn how two people connected to Paul—one a slave, Onesimus and his owner, Philemon—were faced with forgiveness and reconciliation. The book of Philemon is different than …
October 27, 2018 | II Peter—Living the Christian Life, Part 3
We are finishing up our series on 2 Peter this week. We hope you have been encouraged and challenged like we have. The book of 2 Peter is all about how we are living our lives in light of Jesus’s return. It’s been over 2,000 years since His ascension and promise to return. 2 Peter 3 is reminding believers why …
October 20, 2018 | II Peter—Living the Christian Life, Part 2
What if someone rang your doorbell today and asked for money to buy a large house or buy a private jet? It’s safe to say you would think they were crazy. Yet, you can turn your television on and see so-called pastors manipulate Bible verses to show how sending money to his or her organization or church so that they …
October 13, 2018 | II Peter—Living the Christian Life, Part 1
“God wants you to be happy!” Sadly, this phrase is being shouted in the Christian world these days. But what if God doesn’t want us to simply be happy? What if His will for us is to live fully abundant, Spirit-led lives? What if that means suffering for Jesus’ name? These questions can seem very scary but if we trust …