February 17, 2024 | The Davidic Covenant, Part 2

In 2 Samuel 7, God made a wonderful covenant with David with implications that reached back hundreds of years earlier and extended to Jesus the Messiah. Last week we studied how this Davidic Covenant began with the patriarch Jacob’s blessing to his son, Judah, David’s ancestor through whom royalty was promised. This week we study David’s reverent love for the …

February 10, 2024 | The Davidic Covenant, Part 1

This week we begin a series on the Davidic Covenant. This promise God made with King David is a foundational truth that touches so much of Scripture, including Jesus’ birth, identity, and Kingdom reign. But instead of starting with David, we’re beginning with Jacob’s blessings to his sons. Chris walks us through these unconventional blessings this week, examining why Judah, …

February 09, 2019 | The Common Thread, Part 5

Have you ever read through some of the Old Testament passages and wondered what it would have been like to live as a Jewish person in those days? The 613 commandments that they had to keep can seem pretty daunting. Yet, something that we fail to see sometimes on this side of history and as believers in Jesus, is that …

February 02, 2019 | The Common Thread, Part 4

Have you ever thought about how God’s Word has 40 different authors but each book is connected to the others? As Christians, we know this is the work of the Holy Spirit threading the Word of God together. We have been traveling through the Bible in our Common Thread series the last few weeks. This week we take a look …