This week on The Friends of Israel Today, Chris Katulka concludes his series on the minor prophets. In our short segment, Chris chats with Mike Kellogg to find out what it has been like for him to be the voice of Zvi Kalisher in Apples of Gold for the past year. As always, we’ll wrap up the program with Apples of Gold and hear Zvi discuss the identity of the true Messiah with a group of ultra-Orthodox men in this dramatic retelling.
April 9, 2016 | #1615—Majoring on the Minor Prophets, Part 1
Reading books of the Bible written by the minor prophets can be a challenge. Though they are significant, they aren’t the easiest books to understand. If you don’t have an understanding of what was happening during Israel’s history when the minor prophets wrote, then it will be hard to fully grasp what any of them had to say.