Jesus came to Earth to radically change the hearts of the Israelites and to bring forgiveness for the sins of the world. Because of Jesus’ blood, the New Covenant brings blessing to Israel and all who place their faith in Him for salvation. In part 2 of our three-week series on the New Covenant, we’re remembering and celebrating how Jesus’ …
June 13, 2020 | Understanding the New Covenant, Part 1
Surrender! That was the prophet Jeremiah’s message to the people of Judah. God was going to use Babylon to judge His people, and the Israelites’ disobedience meant nothing could stop the disaster to come. But in one of their darkest moments, God made a new promise to His people. This week we’ll begin our series analyzing this New Covenant that …
May 30, 2020 | Encountering Jesus, Part Three: The Syrophoenician Woman
Jesus spent much of His ministry among the masses, but He also had several life-changing, one-on-one encounters with people who needed exactly what He offered. In part 3 of our three-week series, we’re examining Jesus’ radical encounter with the Syrophoenician woman found in Matthew 15. This encounter may seem confusing and harsh to those of us who do not understand …
May 23, 2020 | Encountering Jesus, Part Two: Woman At the Well
Jesus spent much of His ministry among the masses, but He also had several life-changing, one-on-one encounters with people who needed exactly what He offered. In part 2 of our three-week series, we’re examining Jesus’ surprising yet divinely planned conversation with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. On the surface, this meeting made no sense. She was …
May 16, 2020 | Encountering Jesus, Part One: Nicodemus
If you have read the gospels, you know that a lot of times Jesus spoke to the masses. Jesus had quite the following during His time ministering on earth. But we also find in the gospels a few personal encounters with individuals. We’re beginning a new three-week series looking into key conversations Jesus had with individuals. This week we’ll learn …
February 8, 2020 | Here We Stand | Good Works & Salvation, Mike Stallard
As Christians, many of us read our Bibles, go to church, are involved in a small group or Sunday school class, and pray regularly. But for some, if we were asked to explain what the Trinity is—God in three persons—or why we believe God created the world in seven days, we would have a hard time giving a clear answer. …
November 16, 2019 | Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
As the year comes to a close, we want to share with you an opportunity to impact lives through this radio/podcast ministry. We need to raise $10,000 to meet our financial goals for this year. Would you prayerfully consider a gift so we can continue to bring these truths to you and others as well? Can a Christian lose their …