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Antisemitism Knows No Party: Interview w/ David Bernstein | June 29, 2024

Why is antisemitism dismissed in a way that other forms of racism are not? What makes hatred of the Jewish people so palatable? This week, David Bernstein, founder of the Jewish Institute for Liberal Values, speaks about the growth of global antisemitism. His analysis of the role of politics in antisemitism from college campuses to city streets will help you …

The Glory of God, Part 1 | June 8, 2024

We often praise God for and speak about His incomparable glory. But do you really know what His glory is? Could you define it? Understanding God’s glory is key to understanding His character. Scripture shows that His glory is not an abstract concept—it’s His substance, His physical presence. Chris kicks off a 3-week series on God’s glory beginning in the …

Israel skyline with flag

Israel My Glory In Depth: Interview w/ Chris Katulka | June 1, 2024

Why does Israel face tremendous hostility from its neighbors? Why do many Middle Eastern nations want to wipe Israel off the face of the earth? From groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Palestinian Authority to countries like Iran, Syria, and Lebanon, existential threats are never far from the Jewish nation. Our May/June issue of Israel My Glory magazine provides a …

The Sermon on the Mount Jesus God religious faith story from Bible. Generated ai

Is Jesus a Zionist? (Part 2) | May 25, 2024

Last week we studied examples from Jesus’ life that demonstrate that He was undeniably a Zionist who understood the inextricable link between the Jewish people and the land of Israel. But after Jesus’ death and resurrection, did that special connection become irrelevant? Is Jesus still a Zionist today? Chris finds the answer by taking a look at the disciples’ final …

The Sermon on the Mount Jesus God religious faith story from Bible. Generated ai

Was Jesus a Zionist? (Part 1) | May 18, 2024

Anti-Zionism is spreading throughout the world. Recently, college campuses have become hotbeds for this form of antisemitism, as protesters against Israel chant, “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free.” But the land from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea is the nation of Israel’s. The fierce wave of criticism against Zionists, those who support the Jewish …

Celebrating Modern Israel’s Independence | May 11, 2024

The creation of the State of Israel in 1948 was truly a miracle. But how does a nation starting with almost nothing become prosperous? Israel faced some serious growing pains and worked hard to provide for its immigrant citizens. And the story behind its journey is fascinating! Chris teaches a captivating history lesson on the growth of the State of …