September 5, 2015 | #1536—Interview: Dr. Daniel Wallace, Part 2

Interview—Dr. Daniel Wallace

dan-wallace2Dr. Daniel Wallace is senior professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (has taught there for more than 30 years ) and he is also the Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts.

Last week, Chris and Dan discussed the current age of skepticism and the reliability of the New Testament manuscripts. If you missed it you can hear the first part of our interview here. On this week’s show, you’ll learn more about some of the fascinating work that the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts is doing and why it is so critical.

You can learn more about Dan and the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts at their website.

AskFOI—Is the Israel of the New Testament the physical land or the spiritual body of believers in Christ? (@11:50)

The term Israel is mostly used in the New Testament to refer to not just the land, but the people, land, and the promise of being blessed and blessing the nations.

Here is what I mean by that.

The term Israel in the Old Testament was connected to the promise God made to Abraham and his descendants which included, the Land of Israel, the people of Israel, and the promise that they would be blessed by God and a blessing to all the nations. The word “Israel” in the Old Testament embodied all of those elements: land, people, and blessing.

Listen to this segment @ 11:50.

Apples of Gold–”How can you be so happy?” (@18:47)

He had a very large house, but his two sons looked just as sad as he. I felt so sorry for this man. Everything seemed so empty.”

“He finally asked, “What do you think of my house?””

“It is nice,” I replied, “but you are poor.””

“He could not believe his ears. “How can you say that?” he asked.”

“I told him, “Because you have no happiness in your home. Therefore, you really have nothing at all.””

“Do you think you have more?” he demanded.”

“Oh yes,” I said, “because I have the Lord in my heart, and in Him I have great possessions.””

Listen to this segment @ 18:47.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»J.S. Bach, Prelude & Fugue 1 (John Lewis Grant) / CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

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