October 10, 2015 | #1541—What is Your Hope? Part 2

Message—What is Your Hope? Part 2

Last week, we examined the various answers a Christian can give to describe what their hope is. Although many answers are essentially right, the answer that Chris waits to hear from Christians is the resurrection. The resurrection is the hope of every believer in Jesus. It’s what Jesus and the Apostles taught. That there is a day coming when you and I will go from mortal and corruptible to immortal and incorruptible. This week, in part 2, the focus is on Daniel’s prophecy of the resurrection, and how it ties into the words of Jesus.

Message Transcript

AskFOI— The Temple Mount Sifting Project (@13:29)

temple-mount-sifting-projectWhat do an ancient Israelite seal from 3,000 years ago from the time of King David, more than 5,000 ancient coins, and artifacts from the First Temple and Second Temple period have in common? They are all some of many amazing artifacts that have been discovered at the Temple Mount Sifting Project. Learn more about this project and how a team of archaeologists and thousands of volunteers are helping to prove through archaeology that Jewish people have a deep historical relationship with the Temple Mount and Jerusalem.

Learn more about the Temple Mounting Sifting Project on their website.

Listen to this segment @ 13:29.


by Steve Herzig

Jewish Culture & CustomsEvery area of Jewish life radiates symbolism. Hundreds of fascinating traditions date back thousands of years. How did these customs get started? What special meaning do they hold? And what can they teach us? Explore the answers to these questions in this enjoyable sampler of the colorful world of Judaism. You’ll see the Bible and Christianity in a whole new light.

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Apples of Gold–”We can forget all that because of the Lord” (@18:54)

One day, a new man became employed where Zvi worked. This man was full of hatred, blindness, and jealousy. After some time, Zvi was going to have to leave his job due to the hostile environment this man helped create towards him. However, Zvi never wavered, and neither did the love of Christ living within him. An emergency surgery and an unexpected visit lead to the two men making amends, and all can be forgotten because of the Lord.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Convalescence II: Love Again (Anima) / CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Available on the Free Music Archive.

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