October 24, 2015 | #1543—Interview: Andy Cook

Interview—Andy Cook

Chris invites Andy Cook onto this week’s program to discuss Andy’s “Experience Israel Now” ministry.

andy-cookAndy, who served as a pastor for 26 years, founded “Experience Israel Now” in 2011. “Experience Israel Now” is a non-profit organization that brings the life-changing lessons from the land of the Bible to audiences everywhere. In addition to leading trips to Israel, the ministry creates videos for the Christian Television Network, books, and other resources for students and teachers of the Bible.

He has written four books, including his most recent work, “Secrets from the Ancient Paths,” (Kregel Publications). He has written for numerous magazines, web sites and newspapers and recorded on-site teaching from Israel for the Christian Television Network.

Learn more about his ministry, Experience Israel NowSign up on the website and get a free picture of the day. Videos and other resources available recorded from the Land.

Stop Treating Jerusalem Like Mecca and Medina (@12:17)

Did you know that as Christians, there is one place in Israel where we are demanded to hide our Bibles? One place where we are forced to feel like outsiders who aren’t welcome? One place where we are prohibited from telling the powerful story of God’s redemption and are forbidden to pray? That place is atop the Muslim Waqf-controlled Temple Mount; a place sacred and significant to Jewish people, Christians, and Muslims.

This act of religious intolerance is actually at the heart of all the recent terror in Jerusalem and around Israel. Hear Chris explain what needs to happen so that the Muslim community of Israel can recognize that the unified city of Jerusalem is a place for all pilgrims to come, experience, and worship God.


by Andy Cook, Photography by William Haun

In “Secrets from Ancient Paths” by Andy Cook, you can travel the ancient paths of Israel many times, and know the priceless value of walking through the land of the Bible. Discover the secrets that have been veiled by the dust of time and culture, and transform your understanding of even the most familiar passages of Scripture.

Get Your Copy Today


Apples of Gold–”How can God have a birthday?” (@18:38)

How can God have a birthday? One year, in the days preceding Christmas, a group of Jewish people in Israel asked that question to Zvi. They asked him many other questions as well, such as “Who was Jesus?” and “Why did he come?” Looking to their very own Jewish scriptures, Zvi shows them that Jesus came to cleanse us from sin forever.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:

»Mile Post 1 (Alex Fitch) / CC BY-NC 3.0

Available on the Free Music Archive.

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