March 12, 2016 | #1611—Jim Showers Interview

Long Segment—Jim Showers Interview

jim-showers-2015 - CopyThis week during our long segment, Chris Katulka interviews Jim Showers. Jim is the Executive Director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, and he will share about The Friends of Israel’s Up To Jerusalem tours.

Short Segment—What’s your source of confidence?

When the odds are against us and we feel overwhelmed, it’s common for us to take matters into our own hands and to solve problems in our own way, just like King Hezekiah. In part one of his two part series about confidence, Chris Katulka looks to the example set by King Hezekiah in Psalm 46 and shares where our confidence should be placed and where it should rest.

Up to Jerusalem Tour

October 22–November 1, 2016


See with your very own eyes the Land where history and the Bible converge. On this exceptional tour you will visit ancient biblical sites, interact with people and places of modern Israel, walk where Jesus walked, and so much more.

Why not embark on a once-in-a-lifetime experience and enjoy Israel with our veteran staff, experienced Israeli guides, and lovely accommodations?

For general tour questions call us at 800-257-7843, Monday through Friday between 8:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. (Eastern time), and ask for Lisa Grosso at extension 144. To register, please call GTI Tours directly at 616-396-1234, and ask for Monica Guthrie at extension 103.


Apples of Gold—About Whom is this Written

Christmas time is approaching, and during this time of year, many ultra-Orthodox men like to mock Zvi for placing his faith in Christ. During one particular encounter, Zvi takes the opportunity to share with them the truth and opens the eyes of some of the young students in the group. Hear this encounter this week in this dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher.


The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

Also heard on this weeks show:
»Faithfulness, arranged and performed by Jeremy Strong

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