February 12, 2022 | The Year of Jubilee, Part 1

The Year of Jubilee, Part 1

Everybody needs a reset at some point. When things go wrong, we wish we could start fresh. Thanks to God’s instructions for the Promised Land, Israel had this opportunity! This week and next we’ll learn about the year of Jubilee, a uniquely identifying part of Israel’s culture.

Every seven years, the Land of Israel was allowed a sabbath rest. This period took care of those in slavery and those who didn’t own land. And after seven cycles of seven years, every 50th year was the Jubilee year, marking a reset of the land. God used this time to allow the Israelites to cancel debts, free slaves, and return sold property to its original owners. But why would God do this? And what does Jubilee teach us about the Good News of the gospel? Find out in this study of a fascinating piece of Israel’s historical culture.

The Common Thread DVD

Way back in the beginning of the Old Testament God made a promise that changed the trajectory of one man’s life. In our new bible study DVD, The Common Thread, you’ll begin to see how that very same promise impacts you!

Travel through the Holy Land with this DVD as our host Chris Katulka traces God’s faithfulness from Abraham to you!


Awaken Online Conference
March 4-5, 2022

Christ is coming again soon! But what are the warning signs we should be looking for? And what lies ahead for believers? AWAKEN will encourage and equip you for the coming Day of the Lord, the Rapture of the church, and the restoration of God’s Kingdom! 

Join us online for this FREE, 2-night virtual conference featuring The Friends of Israel’s expert Bible teachers!


Apples of Gold: The Miracle in the Snowstorm

Most people in Zvi’s neighborhood knew him as either a helpful person who would come to their homes to repair things without charge, or as a so-called apostate who tries to lead them away from the faith. When an unexpected snowstorm hit Israel, Zvi worked to help those without power. He encountered a wealthy rabbi while he fixed his family’s electricity. Listen to how Zvi got the opportunity to minister in the middle of the storm.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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    1. Thank you for listening and supporting The Friends of Israel Today radio program! You can make a donation by phone in Canada by calling our Canadian office at 888-664-2584. Thank you and have a blessed day!

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