July 16, 2022 | Divine Portraits of God, Part 1: Creation

God the Creator

God’s glory is beyond our understanding. We could never contain Him in our own knowledge. But by viewing Him from different perspectives, we gain opportunities to understand Him more fully and love him more deeply. Our new study, Divine Portraits of God, will grow your love for our great God over the next few weeks, starting today with a look at His incredible work of creation.

If modern secular theories are to be believed, we have no purpose. Our entire existence is a mistake. But this isn’t the case. God created the whole world, including you and me, with a distinct, intentional purpose. Your life matters to the Lord of the universe—that’s an amazing truth! There is great comfort in knowing our God is sovereign over all. This week’s program will help train your perspective of Him in a way that helps you appreciate His power over the universe and His personal care for you.

Written in Stone: Kings and Prophets DVD


Discover the fascinating world of archaeology that makes the Bible come to life! This DVD’s archaeological evidence focuses on the era of Israel’s kings and prophets, including a look at Jewish life during Babylonian exile, the bones of kings, and the rebuilding of Jerusalem under Nehemiah. You’ll find your faith in Scripture strengthened through these phenomenal discoveries!




Our 2022 National Prophecy Conference will uncover the Jewish roots of your faith and draw you closer to your Savior as you learn how the Jewish feasts and the cyclical nature of the Jewish calendar reveal God’s plans for restoration and redemption. Discover God’s rhythms of redemption in The 7 Feasts of Israel!


Apples of Gold: How Can You Sleep?

It was wartime, and Zvi found himself in uniform and stationed in the mountains. Both sides were attacking each other night and day, seemingly with no end in sight. Many soldiers would lie awake at night, wondering when life would return back to normal, but Zvi slept just fine. They could shoot all of the guns they had, but he had peace because God was his protector. Other soldiers needed to hear this truth, and when one man was ready to listen, Zvi was ready to share.


The Friends of Israel Today theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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