October 28, 2023 | Israel at War Update w/ Chris Katulka

Israel at War Update with Chris Katulka

Amid a war as consequential as the one between Israel and Hamas, we can’t afford to be uninformed or misinformed. This week, Chris speaks with Steve about how we can navigate the stream of misinformation concerning the war. We must make sure we’re hearing honest, accurate reporting, and Chris outlines a list of truthful sources of news to keep you well versed about the war.

Chris also clearly explains all you need to know—concerning Israel, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Gaza, the West Bank, the Palestinian Authority, and the history and geopolitics behind these groups, nations, and territories—to understand what sparked the war. Ultimately, you’ll learn the high stakes Israel faces in its war against its bloodthirsty enemies. This engaging interview will teach you the true facts of the deadly threat Israel faces and remind you to bring your prayer for Israel’s safety before God, who has promised to preserve His people forever.

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The Friends of Israel Today and Apples of Gold theme music was composed and performed by Jeremy Strong.

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