Here’s a sad thought: Many churches and Christian leaders teach that Israel, the nation of God’s Chosen People, doesn’t matter to God anymore. Much of the world feels the same way. But how can this be? Maybe these people just need to read Romans 9–11. We’re studying these three chapters in our three-part series “Israel Still Matters to God.” We’ll …
June 27, 2020 | Understanding the New Covenant, Part 3
Because its people chased after other gods, Israel became an unfaithful bride to God. But instead of settling for a broken relationship, in His mercy God promised a New Covenant, ultimately fulfilled by Jesus. Now all people have access to a personal relationship with Him! As we wrap up our three-part series on the New Covenant this week, we discuss …
June 13, 2020 | Understanding the New Covenant, Part 1
Surrender! That was the prophet Jeremiah’s message to the people of Judah. God was going to use Babylon to judge His people, and the Israelites’ disobedience meant nothing could stop the disaster to come. But in one of their darkest moments, God made a new promise to His people. This week we’ll begin our series analyzing this New Covenant that …
May 16, 2020 | Encountering Jesus, Part One: Nicodemus
If you have read the gospels, you know that a lot of times Jesus spoke to the masses. Jesus had quite the following during His time ministering on earth. But we also find in the gospels a few personal encounters with individuals. We’re beginning a new three-week series looking into key conversations Jesus had with individuals. This week we’ll learn …
November 16, 2019 | Can a Christian Lose Their Salvation?
As the year comes to a close, we want to share with you an opportunity to impact lives through this radio/podcast ministry. We need to raise $10,000 to meet our financial goals for this year. Would you prayerfully consider a gift so we can continue to bring these truths to you and others as well? Can a Christian lose their …
Eden to Eden, Part 5
We’re back in our series Eden to Eden. We’re looking at the grand story of the Bible. From beginning to end, God is pursuing His people. We’ve learned why God would pursue us. We found in the Scriptures that God is Omnibenevolent, He is perfectly good. We learned of God’s unbreakable covenant with Abraham. And before Christmas, Chris shared how …
April 9, 2016 | #1615—Majoring on the Minor Prophets, Part 1
Reading books of the Bible written by the minor prophets can be a challenge. Though they are significant, they aren’t the easiest books to understand. If you don’t have an understanding of what was happening during Israel’s history when the minor prophets wrote, then it will be hard to fully grasp what any of them had to say.