July 28, 2018 | Interview Guest: Douglas Altabef

Do you know what a Zionist is? If you believe the Jewish people have a right to exist in their ancestral homeland and that they have a right to protect themselves as a nation both biblically and politically, then you are a Zionist! We welcome Douglas Altabef, chairman of the board at Im Tirtzu…

April 28, 2018 | Theodor Herzl

This year Israel is celebrating 70 years of Independence. On May 14, 1948 a group of men and women in Tel Aviv made a declaration of Independence and the state of Israel was reborn! But the dream of an independent Jewish state did not simply happen by chance. God was working and orchestrating in the hearts and lives of Jewish …

May 28, 2016 | #1622—Itamar Marcus, Part 2

In part 2 of our interview, Itamar Marcus discusses how the Palestinian Authority is misusing funds sent to them from the US. Itamar Marcus, founder and director of Palestinian Media Watch, is one of the foremost authorities on Palestinian ideology and policy. Mr. Marcus was appointed by the Israel Government to represent Israel in negotiations with the Palestinian Authority on …