A dangerous trend has quietly taken hold throughout the world today: Holocaust misinformation. Almost two thirds of young American adults don’t know the Holocaust killed 6 million Jews, and more than 10 percent even believe Jews caused it! These beliefs are both a cause and result of growing antisemitism. That’s why it’s so important that the truth of the Holocaust …
April 16, 2022 | The Importance of the Afikomen in the Passover Seder
Most of us are celebrating Easter on Sunday, but this weekend is also the beginning of Passover. This week we’re studying this sacred holiday God gave the Israelites in the book of Exodus. Chris helped lead The Friends of Israel’s online Passover Seder this past week, which demonstrates the meaning and methods of the meal to help you celebrate Passover …
April 9, 2022 | IMG In Depth: Interview with Linda Craft
It’s not easy to admit when you’re wrong. It’s even harder when you’re dealing with something as sacred as the Word of God. Linda Craft learned how to humbly correct her theology when she found out she had wrongly understood one of Scripture’s great promises: the New Covenant. She wrote an article in our magazine, Israel My Glory, to explain …
April 2, 2022 | Up to Jerusalem Tour Update with Steve Conover
Shalom! This is an exciting week for The Friends of Israel: We’re enjoying our first Up to Jerusalem tour back in Israel since 2019. Executive Vice President Steve Conover calls into the show today from the other side of the world to speak with Chris about our tour and what his experience has been like in the Holy Land this …
March 26, 2022 | Why Christians Should Support Israel and the Jewish People, Part 2
God gave Israel special gifts and a special calling. They set Israel apart from the other nations of the world, serving as distinct marks of its unique status as God’s chosen nation. He has given the Jewish people covenants, promises, law, patriarchs, worship, and the Messiah Jesus—a blessing we have received and for which we are indebted to Israel. And …
March 19, 2022 | Why Christians Should Support Israel and the Jewish People, Part 1
Why do you support Israel? Maybe you support its democratic policies that make it stand out from the rest of the Middle East. If you know your Bible, you might point to a passage like Genesis 12:1–3 as your reason, wanting to honor God’s command to bless the nation. But this week we’ll consider Romans 11:28–29, a short passage Paul …
March 12, 2022 | Cameron Joyner: Will We Recognize Our Loved Ones in Heaven?
People have questions about life after death. We have answers! The Friends of Israel is always ready to share biblical truth that will teach and encourage those who hear it. Cameron Joyner tackled one of those burning questions in our blog, and his writing has resonated with so many of the tens of thousands who have come across his post. …
March 5, 2022 | FOI in Action: Carrie Gould, New Jersey
We often don’t see how God is working in our lives in the moment. But when we look back, we begin to see how God can use any circumstance for His glory. Carrie Gould is a terrific example of this truth. This week Chris speaks with Carrie, one of The Friends of Israel’s newest outreach representatives, about her inspiring story …
February 26, 2022 | AWAKEN Conference Sneak Peek: 2 Thess. 1
Our days are full of trouble and suffering. This life is not an easy one for anybody. It’s even harder for Christians, who live in a world that fights against the Lord. But we have a wonderful promise we can hold onto: Jesus is coming back soon! The Friends of Israel’s free online conference AWAKEN shares this wonderful truth through …
February 19, 2022 | The Year of Jubilee, Part 2
Last week we learned about the year of Jubilee, which God instructed the Israelites to remember in Leviticus 25. Though Jubilee is rarely mentioned in the rest of Scripture, its themes are such a key to Bible prophecy. They show up in the Old Testament, but they also play a major part in Jesus’ message to Israel. In the second …