March 6, 2021 | Demons: Fact or Fiction?

Do you know how demons came to be? And did you know there are different types of demons? After studying angels, God’s agents, in last week’s program, this week brings us to Satan and demons, his agents. Chris teaches us everything God’s Word tells us about our enemies to equip us for spiritual warfare with them.  Demons do Satan’s bidding …

February 27, 2021 | Angels: Fact or Fiction?

What do you think of when you hear the word “angels”? Maybe you picture halos, wings, and white robes. Despite what movies and TV shows want you to think, there’s a lot more to angels than that! The only trustworthy information about angels comes from God’s Word, and that’s where we’re taking you this week. Discover the true nature, activities, …

February 13, 2021 | The Backgrounds of the Jewish People, Part 4

This week we finish our series on the backgrounds of the Jewish people. We’ve studied the Ashkenazi, Sehpardic, and Mizrahi backgrounds, and these three make up much of the Diaspora—Jewish people who live outside the Promised Land. But this final group’s claim to fame is something the other backgrounds do not share: a native presence in the land of Israel. …

February 6, 2021 | The Backgrounds of the Jewish People, Part 3

Mizrahi Jews, the third Jewish background we’re studying in our 4-part series, are born with a history that testifies of God’s providence. This unique group, originally considered to be part of the Sephardic community, developed its own identity that is present in many countries today. Chris shares the story of the time he attended a Yemeni wedding party, as he …

January 30, 2021 | The Backgrounds of the Jewish People, Part 2

Jewish culture is so diverse and complex that it’s impossible to capture its essence in a broad stroke. That’s why we’ve decided to zoom in on the major individual ethnicities of the Jewish people. Each one contributes to the tapestry of Jewish essence, a rich assortment of traditions and lifestyles that compose the Jewish identity. Last week’s program offered a …

January 16, 2021 | Ministry Highlight: Timothy Rabinek and Eastern European Relief

We’re directing our attention this week to an often forgotten part of the world—Eastern Europe. The Jewish people in this region often suffer hardship and need the love of God in their lives. That’s where our International Ministries team comes in! They provide physical care and spiritual comfort to these people in Poland, Ukraine, and Belarus. To discuss this arm …