November 28, 2015 | #1548—Remembering Resolution 181

The Creation of the State of Israel: Remembering Resolution 181 On November 29, 1947, just 68 years ago, the United Nations voted on Resolution 181. This Resolution was the Partition Plan that allowed for the creation of a Jewish state in the area that at that time was called the British Mandate. Go back in time and relive this amazing …

November 21, 2015 | #1547—Interview: Jim Showers

Interview—Jim Showers This week, Chris invites Dr. Jim Showers, Executive Director of The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry, onto the program to discuss The Friends of Israel’s two national prophecy conferences. Our national prophecy conferences feature Friends of Israel’s speakers from around the world to share timely Biblical and prophetic messages about Israel, the Jewish people, and God’s plan of …

November 14, 2015 | #1546—Interview: Peter Spencer

Interview—Peter Spencer This week, Chris invites Dr. Peter Spencer onto the program to discuss his highly acclaimed movie, Return to the Hiding Place. After spending several years in the advertising industry, Peter Spencer founded Halo TV and Film. Dr. Spencer has won numerous national awards for writing, producing and directing – including his TV series Heroes of the Faith shown …

November 7, 2015 | #1545—Thinking Differently About Leviticus, Part 2

Message—Thinking Differently About Leviticus, Part 2 Last week, we started looking at the book of Leviticus and how God wants to have a relationship with His people. This week, we’ll continue in Leviticus and focus on holiness. Israel was chosen to accomplish a task that no other nation on earth was given, and that was to be the promoters of …

October 31, 2015 | #1544—Thinking Differently About Leviticus, Part 1

Message—Thinking Differently About Leviticus, Part 1 The book of Leviticus is daunting to read, and if we’re honest with ourselves, we either avoid reading it or find it confusing if we do. This is true for many reasons. There is more than 3 millennia of cultural difference, different worship styles, different ways of connecting to God, and different holidays and …

October 24, 2015 | #1543—Interview: Andy Cook

Interview—Andy Cook Chris invites Andy Cook onto this week’s program to discuss Andy’s “Experience Israel Now” ministry. Andy, who served as a pastor for 26 years, founded “Experience Israel Now” in 2011. “Experience Israel Now” is a non-profit organization that brings the life-changing lessons from the land of the Bible to audiences everywhere. In addition to leading trips to Israel, …

September 26, 2015 | #1539—Interview: Asa Kasher

Interview—Asa Kasher Asa Kasher (Hebrew: אסא כשר‎, born on June 6, 1940) is an Israeli philosopher working as a Professor at Tel Aviv University and at Shalem College, Israel. He is noted for authorship of Israel Defense Forces’s Code of Conduct. He won the Israel Prize in 2000 for his contributions to philosophy. His recent books include Military Ethics, Judaism and Idolatry, …