This weekend marks the beginning of Passover for our Jewish friends all around the world. The Passover celebration was designed by God so that the Jewish people would remember that God set them free! However, there’s something the gospel accounts don’t show. Did you know during the Passover meal Jesus had 4 cups and not just one? Join us as …
April 16, 2016 | #1616—Majoring on the Minor Prophets, Part 2
This week on The Friends of Israel Today, Chris Katulka concludes his series on the minor prophets. In our short segment, Chris chats with Mike Kellogg to find out what it has been like for him to be the voice of Zvi Kalisher in Apples of Gold for the past year. As always, we’ll wrap up the program with Apples of Gold and hear Zvi discuss the identity of the true Messiah with a group of ultra-Orthodox men in this dramatic retelling.
April 9, 2016 | #1615—Majoring on the Minor Prophets, Part 1
Reading books of the Bible written by the minor prophets can be a challenge. Though they are significant, they aren’t the easiest books to understand. If you don’t have an understanding of what was happening during Israel’s history when the minor prophets wrote, then it will be hard to fully grasp what any of them had to say.
The Holocaust is one of the most well-documented events in human history. However, efforts are being made to rewrite the historical narrative of the Holocaust as anti-Semitism is once again on the rise in Europe and the United States. That’s why we focus our attention toward our latest issue of Israel My Glory magazine, which focuses on the Holocaust. Join us as we delve into this important issue that cannot be overlooked or ignored.
March 26, 2016 | #1613—What's Your Source of Confidence? Part 3
Over the past several months many Israelis have been stabbed in areas like Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, primarily by Palestinians. All of these stabbings have been random acts of terrorism committed by men, women, and even youth that are targeting innocent Israeli citizens. Why are these senseless killings taking place? Chris Katulka looks at this issue in this week’s long segment.
March 19, 2016 | #1612—Purim (with Bruce Scott)
Bruce Scott is the director of field ministries for The Friends of Israel and also directs our Hesed Project. He is the author of the popular book, The Feasts of Israel. This week, Chris Katulka interviews Bruce about the upcoming celebration of Purim.
March 12, 2016 | #1611—Jim Showers Interview
This week on The Friends of Israel Today, our host and Bible teacher Chris Katulka interviews Jim Showers, the executive director of The Friends of Israel, about FOI’s Up To Jerusalem tours. In our short segment, Chris begins a series called “What’s Your Source of Confidence?” As always, we wrap up our program with Apples of Gold, a dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor and believer in Jesus, Zvi Kalisher.
February 27, 2016 | #1609—God is Greater than Life
This week on The Friends of Israel Today, our host and Bible teacher Chris Katulka will share why God is greater than life itself. In our Ask FOI segment, we’ll answer the question, “How did Abraham get saved?” As always, we’ll end our show with Apples of Gold, a dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor and believer in Jesus, Zvi Kalisher.
February 20, 2016 | #1608—Lorna Simcox Interview
This week on The Friends of Israel Today, Chris Katulka welcomes back Lorna Simcox to the program. We’ll get to hear about how Lorna, the editor-in-chief of Israel My Glory, came to know Jesus as her Lord and Savior. In our short segment, Chris will share encouraging words from Paul as we are reminded that we are “more than conquerors.” As always, we’ll wrap up our program with Apples of Gold, a dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher.
February 13, 2016 | #1607—Efraim Inbar Interview
This week on The Friends of Israel Today, our host and Bible teacher Chris Katulka interviews Efraim Inbar, Professor in Political Studies at Bar-Ilan University and Director of its renowned Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies. He’ll discuss Israel’s unique relationships with their neighbors in the Middle East. Where is it in the Bible where the Holy Spirit leaves the temple in Jerusalem? We’ll answer that in our Ask FOI segment. As always, we’ll wrap up our program with Apples of Gold, a dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor Zvi Kalisher.