February 18, 2023 | The Prophet Hosea, Part 1

God illustrates truths about Himself and His relationship with His people in unique and memorable ways. The book of Hosea is a great example of God’s penchant for doing these unusual types of things. God gave the prophet Hosea an incredibly difficult task: He was to marry an immoral woman who would be unfaithful to him. But through this difficult …

January 28, 2023 | The Abrahamic Promise: The Blessing

Abraham had a special covenant with God—one that has affected all of human history since. We’ve already studied how this promise has shaped the Jewish people and the promises included in the covenant that guaranteed them countless descendants and the special Holy Land. In the conclusion of our 4-part series on this covenant, we’ll study how the whole world is …

Man looking at the stars. Alone man looking at starry sky. Night sky.

January 21, 2023 | The Abrahamic Promise: The Descendants

God’s eternal covenant with Abraham included a surprising promise: A great nation would come from Abraham, and he would have innumerable descendants. This aspect was deeply personal to Abraham, who was an old man when the Lord spoke to him. How could he have any children at all? As humans, we look for immediate results—instant gratification. But God’s timing was …

January 14, 2023 | The Abrahamic Promise: The Land

God created and controls the whole universe. So why does He care so much about the land of Israel, one little piece of real estate in the Middle East? Because of His covenant with Abraham! He made an eternal promise that ensured this land would belong to Abraham’s descendants forever. This week, Chris teaches about the incomparable land of Israel …

January 7, 2023 | The Abrahamic Promise & What it Means For You

God’s Word is advancing throughout the world, but many evangelicals are missing the message of God’s love for Israel and the Jewish people—and our responsibility toward them as well. It’s important to remember that our support for Israel is biblical, not political. We find the root of that support in Genesis 12: God’s covenant with Abraham. This promise has defined …

December 31, 2022 | Israel and the “New” Middle East: Interview with Bassem Eid

Happy New Year, friends! We’re heading into 2023 with our special guest, Bassem Eid, a Palestinian human rights activist who supports the state of Israel—you read that right! Bassem has lived in East Jerusalem and Jericho, and his experiences there have led him to defend the Jewish nation and expose the injustice of Palestinian leaders against their own people.  Bassem …