We love to see God raise up workers to carry out the work to which He has called us—and that’s why we’re so excited to have Alyssa Ruddell join our ministry! Alyssa’s love for Israel and the Jewish people brought her to The Friends of Israel, where she quickly jumped into many of our programs that energized her passion for …
April 1, 2023 | Middle East Update: Interview w/ Elliot Chodoff
What in the world is going on in the Middle East? We’ve got the answers for you on this week’s show! During Chris’s recent trip to Israel, he interviewed IDF Major Elliot Chodoff to get his scoop as a political analyst on the major developments in Israel and its Middle East neighbors. Elliot discusses the details of the Israeli government’s …
March 25, 2023 | Interview w/ Chris Katulka in Israel
There’s no better way to teach about Israel than by going to Israel—and that’s what Chris is doing this week! We’re catching up with Chris in the Holy Land, as Steve turns the tables to interview Chris about his time with The Friends of Israel’s Up to Jerusalem tour. After two years of halted tourism, Israel has spent the last …
March 18, 2023 | Israel My Glory: Interview w/ Lorna Simcox & Jesse King
After 23 years of faithful service with our magazine, Israel My Glory, Lorna Simcox is handing off the baton to the next generation. Lorna’s retirement from the position of editor-in-chief and Jesse King’s appointment as managing editor of the magazine marks a change in leadership but not a change in faithfulness to the Word of God. If you’ve ever enjoyed …
March 11, 2023 | The Prophet Hosea, Part 4
In the days of the prophet Hosea, Israel had sinned severely against God. Their spiritual adultery led to their judgment, as God punished them for walking away from Him to bring them to repentance. After digging into their five cycles of judgment last week, we now see the hope of restoration that awaited Israel in five cycles of salvation, as …
March 3, 2023 | The Prophet Hosea, Part 3
The book of Hosea is a sad story of Israel’s failures in faithfulness to God. The people were guilty of many sins that drew God’s wrath. Worst of all was their spiritual adultery against the Lord, as they worshiped false gods instead of Him. Today’s show, part 3 of our 4-part series on Hosea, explores the cycles of judgment the …
February 25, 2023 | The Prophet Hosea, Part 2
We are sinful people. When we sin, we deserve punishment. And when Israel sinned in the times of the prophet Hosea, the nation faced divine punishment. God used Hosea to identify major sins, including injustice, hypocrisy, and violence, that had entrapped the Israelites. They took pride in themselves instead of thanking God for His provision. Worst of all, Israel was …
February 18, 2023 | The Prophet Hosea, Part 1
God illustrates truths about Himself and His relationship with His people in unique and memorable ways. The book of Hosea is a great example of God’s penchant for doing these unusual types of things. God gave the prophet Hosea an incredibly difficult task: He was to marry an immoral woman who would be unfaithful to him. But through this difficult …
February 11, 2023 | Israel My Glory In Depth: Interview w/ Ty Perry
Antisemitism is a global issue today—and it has been for thousands of years. But many people struggle to recognize it, even if they witness it. This evil sin stems from Satan, who has persecuted the line of Abraham since it began, as it is from this line that our Redeemer, Jesus, came. Ty Perry joins the show this week to …
February 4, 2023 | Israel Always: Interview w/ Author Chris Katulka
You know our host, Chris Katulka, is the man with the answers to all things Israel. Now, he’s written a book about Israel! This week Chris is in the hot seat as our special guest to talk about his new book, Israel Always: Experiencing God’s Pursuit of You Through His Chosen People. Chris takes you behind the scenes on his …