Interview—Dr. Jim Showers Today Chris sits down with Dr. Jim Showers, executive director of The Friends of Israel. If you are new to our ministry, then you’ll especially enjoy this interview as Jim lays out the mission and vision of The Friends of Israel. This is a great overview of what the Lord has done and is doing …
May 30, 2015 | #1522—An Audible Call, Part 3
Message—An Audible Call, Part 3 Today, we finish up our series on the life of Samuel, the priest, judge, and prophet. “Samuel is one of the most unique characters in the Bible. Why? Because he held several important ancient Israelite titles. God kept this one man many very busy… he served the Lord as a Priest, a …
May 23, 2015 | #1521—An Audible Call, Part 2
Message—An Audible Call, Part 2 Last week we looked at how Samuel was called to be a priest but this week we’re going to look at how God audibly called Samuel to be a judge to Israel. “Samuel served the Lord during a crucial transition in Israel’s history. He is often referred to as one of Israel’s …
May 16, 2015 | Episode #1520—An Audible Call, Part 1
Message—An Audible Call, Part 1 On today’s show, Chris begins a three part series on the life of Samuel, the priest, judge and prophet. “Samuel is one of the most unique characters in the Bible. Why? Because he held several important ancient Israelite titles. God kept this one man many very busy… he served the Lord as …
FOI Digital Extra: Dr. Jim Showers Answers Questions About Iran
Dr. Jim Showers talks about Iran and the deal the White House administration is making with Tehran.
May 9, 2015 | #1519—Interview: Dennis Prager
Guest: Dennis Prager Dennis Prager is one of America’s most respected radio talk show hosts. He has been broadcasting on radio in Los Angeles since 1982. His popular show became nationally syndicated in 1999 and airs live, Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to Noon (Pacific Time) from his home station, KRLA. Widely sought after by television shows for …
May 2, 2015 | #1518—A Promise He's Keeping, Part 3
Message For the past few weeks we’ve been looking at God’s promise to Abraham in Genesis 12. Today we’ll hear Chris Katulka’s final message in our three part series, A Promise He’s Keeping. Message Transcript AskFOI (@13:20) Is the security barrier around the West Bank a Wall or a Fence, and is it really necessary? For more …
FOI Digital Extra: Chris Katulka Interviews Mayor Eli Shaviro of Ariel, Israel
I had the privilege to sit down with Eli Shaviro, the mayor of Ariel, Israel. Ariel is a unique city in the Jewish state because it sits within the ancient biblical Samaria, what Westerners often call the West Bank. The city of Ariel is in an area that dates back millennia to the time of Joshua. Adjacent to …
April 25, 2015 | #1517—A Promise He’s Keeping, Part 2
Message “Last week we started a series called A Promise He’s Keeping where we unpacked the Abrahamic Covenant or Abrahamic Promise. A promise that God made to Abram that becomes a foundational promise in the Scriptures, remember Abrams name doesn’t change to Abraham until Genesis 17 . The promise made to Abraham acts like a thread that runs …
April 18, 2015 | #1516—A Promise He’s Keeping, Part 1
Message “You know, often times in the Old Testament God would reveal His plan and course of action in the form of a promise or covenant. The first covenant is found in Genesis 12, 15, and 17 with Abraham. The Abrahamic Covenant, as it’s called, isn’t a static promise that remains dormant in the beginning of Genesis, never …