“It’s too dangerous.” “Maybe next year.” “I’ve always wanted to go.” These are commonly heard comments about traveling to Israel. This week Chris interviews Israeli tour guide for the The Friends of Israel’s Up to Jerusalem spring tour, Tito Andijar. An expert in Israeli culture and history, Tito takes his tour group on a journey through the Bible, walking where …
January 21, 2017 | #1703—Ministry Update: Youthfest
How is God calling up the next generation of Christian leaders? Tim Munger, a church ministries representative here at The Friends of Israel wondered the same thing. After careful reflection and planning, he designed YouthFEST, a three-day missionary conference for young adults. Tim’s heart is to expose these young adults to missionaries from various organizations by spending time in the …
January 14, 2017 | #1702—How God Relates With Us, Part 2
If you take a step back and look at the Bible’s theme you will see it’s a beautiful story of redemption. And what’s even more beautiful is to how God chose Israel to be central in His redemptive plan to repair the world. We hope you were able to join us for our annual prophecy conferences, “Repairing Our World? Israel …
January 7, 2017 | #1701—How God Relates With Us, Part 1
Today we will look at how our great God relates with His people, both past and present. The God of this universe, Maker of the heavens and earth, wants a relationship with us. First we look at the Trinity, the Father, the Holy Spirit, and Son; God is three distinct persons who interacts and relates with one another but are …
December 31, 2016 | #1653—God is Greater Than Life
This program is a rebroadcast from February 27, 2016. For many of us, God is greater than our jobs, our finances, our homes, and even our own health. But what happens when tragedy strikes our family? When a tragedy like that affects a parent, spouse, or child, it’s way past the boundaries we’ve set up. For many, it can lead …
December 24, 2016 | #1652—Why Bethlehem? Part Two
This program is a rebroadcast from December 19, 2015. Last week we learned how God told the prophet Micah in Micah 5:2 the town where His Son would be born. Bethlehem, this small town may not seem important to us today but was a royal city in the time of Jesus. King David was from Bethlehem! This week we learn …
December 17, 2016 | #1651—Why Bethlehem? Part One
This program is a rebroadcast from December 12, 2015. Do those close to you know where you are from? Maybe you represent the area well with an accent or being a fan of a sport’s team. Where you are from can define you. In Micah 5:2 it is prophesied that the Messiah would be born in Bethlehem. This small town, …
December 10, 2016 | #1650—Incarnation Begs for Reconciliation
It’s safe to say that many would not consider Philemon a popular Christmas passage. But there is a theme we can see in this small book: reconciliation. The book of Philemon is actually a letter from the Apostle Paul written to a wealthy believer in Jesus named Philemon. Paul sent the letter with Onesimus, a new believer in Jesus and …
December 3, 2016 | #1649—Balfour Declaration 100th Anniversary with Elliot Jager
Elliot Jager joins the program this week to talk about two very important topics with Chris. Elliot is an Israel-based journalist, political scientist, editorial project manager, and author. He explains how Israelis are feeling after the most recent U.S. presidential election and what the Israeli government is doing (or not doing) during this transition. Then Elliot talks about the Balfour …
November 26, 2016 | #1648—Israel My Glory: In Depth-November/December
Have you ever tried to think through how we can know God exists? It’s hard for our finite minds to fully understand this complex question. This week Chris takes us on a journey through God’s Word and shows us how people like Job questioned God’s existence and when God shows him a glimpse of who He is, Job’s response is …