October 24, 2015 | #1543—Interview: Andy Cook

Interview—Andy Cook Chris invites Andy Cook onto this week’s program to discuss Andy’s “Experience Israel Now” ministry. Andy, who served as a pastor for 26 years, founded “Experience Israel Now” in 2011. “Experience Israel Now” is a non-profit organization that brings the life-changing lessons from the land of the Bible to audiences everywhere. In addition to leading trips to Israel, …

September 26, 2015 | #1539—Interview: Asa Kasher

Interview—Asa Kasher Asa Kasher (Hebrew: אסא כשר‎, born on June 6, 1940) is an Israeli philosopher working as a Professor at Tel Aviv University and at Shalem College, Israel. He is noted for authorship of Israel Defense Forces’s Code of Conduct. He won the Israel Prize in 2000 for his contributions to philosophy. His recent books include Military Ethics, Judaism and Idolatry, …

September 19, 2015 | #1538—Yom Kippur

Message—Yom Kippur Yom Kippur. The holiest day on the Jewish Calendar. You may know it as The Day of Atonement. This high holy day begins Tuesday evening, September 22nd and ends Wednesday, September 23rd 2015. In his message today, Chris will talk about the importance of Yom Kippur and how Christ has become OUR once for all atonement. Message Transcript …

September 12, 2015 | #1537—Interview: Melanie Phillips

Interview—Melanie Phillips Chris invites Melanie Phillips on this week’s program to unpack the issues surrounding the rise in European anti-semitism and how it is manifesting itself in European culture and politics. Melanie Phillips is a British journalist, broadcaster and author. Her weekly column, which is currently appearing in The Times, has appeared over the years in the Guardian, Observer, Sunday Times and Daily Mail. She …

September 5, 2015 | #1536—Interview: Dr. Daniel Wallace, Part 2

Interview—Dr. Daniel Wallace Dr. Daniel Wallace is senior professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (has taught there for more than 30 years ) and he is also the Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. Last week, Chris and Dan discussed the current age of skepticism and the reliability of the New …

August 29, 2015 | #1535—Interview: Dr. Daniel Wallace, Part 1

Interview—Dr. Daniel Wallace Dr. Daniel Wallace is senior professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary (has taught there for more than 30 years ) and he is also the Executive Director of the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts. On this week’s show, Chris and Dan discuss the current age of skepticism and the reliability of …