Christian Persecution

Here in the western world, some Christians have bought into the lie that if you become a Christian, God will take your worries away and make everything better. But reading through the New Testament, believers in Jesus are reminded again and again that if you are a follower of Christ you will face persecution. This week Chris will take us …

February 25, 2017 | #1708-Soeren Kern: 1 or 2 State Solution

Soeren Kern is a Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Gatestone Institute, and the Senior Analyst for Transatlantic Relations at the Madrid-based Grupo de Estudios Estratégicos / Strategic Studies Group. A political scientist by training, Soeren specializes in European politics as well as US and European defense- and security-related issues. He is also an essayist on European anti-Americanism and the roles …

January 28, 2017 | #1704—Tito Andijar, Israeli Tour Guide

“It’s too dangerous.” “Maybe next year.” “I’ve always wanted to go.” These are commonly heard comments about traveling to Israel. This week Chris interviews Israeli tour guide for the The Friends of Israel’s Up to Jerusalem spring tour, Tito Andijar. An expert in Israeli culture and history, Tito takes his tour group on a journey through the Bible, walking where …

March 12, 2016 | #1611—Jim Showers Interview

This week on The Friends of Israel Today, our host and Bible teacher Chris Katulka interviews Jim Showers, the executive director of The Friends of Israel, about FOI’s Up To Jerusalem tours. In our short segment, Chris begins a series called “What’s Your Source of Confidence?” As always, we wrap up our program with Apples of Gold, a dramatic retelling from the life of Holocaust survivor and believer in Jesus, Zvi Kalisher.

February 6, 2016 | #1605—Israel My Glory: In Depth-Jan/Feb

This week’s program is the first of its kind, as we begin a new feature called “Israel My Glory In Depth.” Every two months we’ll focus on the current issue of Israel My Glory magazine. The theme of the current issue happens to be Romans chapters 9 through 11. This portion of scripture is one of the most detailed, thorough New Testament arguments that makes a case for Israel.