Here in the western world, some Christians have bought into the lie that if you become a Christian, God will take your worries away and make everything better. But reading through the New Testament, believers in Jesus are reminded again and again that if you are a follower of Christ you will face persecution. This week Chris will take us …
Ministry Highlight: Bruce Scott/Outreach Ministries
Today we welcome Bruce Scott, The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry’s director of program ministries back to the program. Bruce shares with us three ways The Friends of Israel is available to help Christians serve in Messiah’s name. Bruce breaks the serving opportunities down into three categories: Calling, Equipping, Serving. Calling: Youthfest is a unique conference for high school kids. …
The Reformation: The Good and Bad
This week Chris interviews Dr. Michael Svigel, Department Chair and Professor of Theological Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. We’re highlighting the 500 year anniversary of Martin Luther nailing his 95 theses (or sometimes knows as the Disputation on the Power of Indulgences) to the door of a church in Wittenberg, Germany. We’ll learn that God used Luther to ignite a …
Ezekiel 37: Dry Bones
Have you ever wondered why there are four different accounts of Jesus’ ministry in the Bible? Last week Chris unpacked the gospel of Matthew. We learned that Matthew’s unique audience was the Jewish believers in Jesus. “Next year in Jerusalem!” This phrase is spoken every year at the end of Passover and Yom Kippur by Jewish people all over the …
2 Peter 1: Our Unique Connection
If you are a believer in Jesus, you have as the Apostle Peter says in 2 Peter 1:3, “everything necessary for life and godliness.” This week Chris takes us to 2 Peter 1:3-4. There is a lot of invaluable truth in those two verses. We will learn that as believers we have a unique connection to God through the Holy …
Habakkuk: Surprised By God
When was the last time God did something so unexpected that if you told people they would have a hard time believing it? For some of us, we would have a hard time remembering. This week Chris takes us to the book of Habakkuk. In the first chapter of Habakkuk, we find a frustrated prophet who is sick and tired …
Israel My Glory: In Depth-September/October 2017
Lazy, entitled, narcissistic, noncommittal — these are just a few of many terms often used to stereotype the Millennial generation. However, you simply can’t define tens of millions of young adults at different stages of life with one broad stroke. There are Millennials who are still in high school, while others have a family and career. When accessing Millennials there …
John 17: Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer
We dig into John 17 this week where Chris will talk about Jesus’ High Priestly prayer. Jesus knew His time on earth was coming to an end. And in this passage He prayed for three things: Himself, His disciples, and believers in Him. How amazing is that? If you are a believer in Jesus, He prayed for you! We’ll learn …
Interview: John Wilcox/Praise From Zion CD
We are excited to share with you a project many at The Friends of Israel have been a part of, Praise from Zion: A Collection of Jewish Worship Music by John Wilcox. Chris welcomes John Wilcox to the program this week to give us a behind the scenes glimpse of how God brought together 19 Jewish songs, many sung in both …
IsraAID: Interview with Voni Glick
Navonel Glick (Voni) is IsraAID’s Co-Chief Executive Officer at the organization’s headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel. He is responsible for all the day-to-day leadership and oversees the general management of the organization. Prior to this role, Voni served as IsraAID’s Programs Director for 3 years, leading disaster-response missions throughout the globe. These include notably the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan, Sierra …