Israel My Glory: In Depth-Nov/Dec 2017

We are highlighting the most recent issue of Israel My Glory magazine ““In the Line of the King: Five women in the line of the Messiah” this week. Chris interviews Pastor Mark Johnson whose article “What Grace Can Do” highlights the tragedy and redemption behind one of the women, Bathsheba. We’ll learn how although David and Bathsheba’s sins had grave …

February 6, 2016 | #1605—Israel My Glory: In Depth-Jan/Feb

This week’s program is the first of its kind, as we begin a new feature called “Israel My Glory In Depth.” Every two months we’ll focus on the current issue of Israel My Glory magazine. The theme of the current issue happens to be Romans chapters 9 through 11. This portion of scripture is one of the most detailed, thorough New Testament arguments that makes a case for Israel.